Introducing my activities

Kozmetikai kezelések


Face treatments

A kozmetikai kezelések kiemelt területe az arc szépségének megőrzése. Hagyományos kezeléseken túl, természetes anyagok használatával igyekszünk a legkímélőbb megoldásokat alkalmazni.


Electro cosmetics

Korszerű kozmetikai berendezések és eszközök alkalmazásával elsősorban az arc, nyak és dekoltázs ápoló kezelések területén biztosítunk magas szakértelmű modern kezeléseket.



Lash and eyebrows tinting, lash lifting, lash filler



Szintetikus anyagoktól mentes szőrtelenítő kezelések. Cukorpasztás, villanófényes eljárások mellet tűs epilálást is végzünk a nemkívánatos szőrszálak eltávolítására.


Molnár Orsolya


Master beautician

I have been interested in female beauty therapy ever since a very young age, and I have been professionally doing it since 2001. I always find something new, something beautiful in it, which helps me to keep my guests fully satisfied through my personalized treatments.

I graduated from the Erzsébet Királyné Technical School, with excellent marks.  I got a diploma at the University of West Hungary, Benedek Elek Pedagogical Department, Practical Trainer Program in 2013, and in the same year a Beauty Therapist Diploma in the PanaromAroma and Beauty Therapy Institute.

In addition to this I attended numerous courses of various companies (permanent makeup, 3D eyelashes, massage courses, permanent eyelash curling, sugar paste hair removal, electrocosmetic continuation trainings, learning various treatment methods) and I listened to many professional’s presentations at beauty shows and conferences.

Since 2001, I engaged in the care of the beauty of women, but much earlier, when i was young, i liked the beautician profession
I always find something new, something beautiful that can contribute to cater my clients needs. The treatments are personalized.

I finished my studies in the Queen Elizabeth Secondary School. I have done an excellent master examination, In 2015 I did a master exam and in 2013 I became a training instructor, also in 2013, I obtained a diploma in Beauty Therapist Panarom Institute .

I continually studying. (makeup tattoos, 3D, 4D eyelashes, massage courses, eyelash lifting,hair removal with sugar, electro cosmetic trainings, various treatment methods to learn), and I listened many specialist’s presentation in conferences.


Consisting of natural and high-tech active ingredients, creams, lotions are used during treatments. Because the tradition important to us and application of new technologies, too.
